I have teamed up with both Redbubble & Society6 since 2006 as another online shopping experience for you.
These places offer more then what i can as a small business and while I wish I could make all these things I cant.
So you maybe asking ‘are they an Australian Business’? well Redbubble has a office in Melbourne, which some of the staff have reached out to me about Redbubble in Australia and also purchased items from my store. You will find Redbubble items purchased by Aussies are made in Australia, well most of them, https://help.redbubble.com/hc/en-us/articles/217196086. Society6 is an American company.
So why these two places?
I have purchase from them before and their quality is great, customer service is great also plus they pay a better royalty to their artists then other places.
This means you can rest assured that these stores are my stores.

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